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GreasyFork Scripts (F9y4ng) WIKI

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Font Rendering (Customized) Font Rendering.user.js

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Introduction: Enhance browser’s font rendering without installing MacType. This script offers a high-quality, customizable experience with default ‘Microsoft YaHei’ font. It provides advanced features like font rewriting, smoothing, scaling, stroking, shadowing, and filtering of special style elements. It supports global and personalized rendering, compatible with most mainstream browsers, script managers, and common userscripts & browser extensions. Configure parameters via the script manager icon or shortcuts.

version 2025.03.01.1 - Update log: 【🔥Install this script

Update Preview📣: Due to the new version add adaptive support for cross-domain iframes, style compatibility for common math formulas, and other rendering parameter adjustments, the update auto-reset function will be enabled in the next month’s update, so if you haven’t done a backup recently, please back up your local data in a timely manner before the release of April’s update. (But we strongly recommend you 💭: If the custom site data is low, it is better to re-render with the new render parameters. If you encounter problems such as garbled codes, block letters, abnormal font styles, etc, when rendering with the old parameters after restoring the backup, please reset the data and reconfigure the parameters in order to try again with the latest rendering rules) ♥️ Thank you for your cooperation and support.

+ Update OPPOSans to v3.04,download OPPOSans from Github.Discussions.
@ Fixed page load delay issue caused by high-frequency actions on ultra-long pages.
@ Improved the prompt that font detection is blocked by browser fingerprinting protection.
@ Fixed an issue with content injection mode in Firefox.
@ Fixed some known issues, optimized code & style.

Please note the following before using a new version:

How to deal with script loading delay?

Temporary solutions for script loading delays, or styles not loading correctly:

Feedback on issues

Note 1: Unknown compatibility errors may occur when using the Beta, Dev, Canary, Nightly and other test branches of the browser or script manager, and the script will not correct errors of the test version. Since there is a rare chance that the data will be initialized abnormally, please back up your local data in time.

Note 2: To report script errors or style issues, please provide the URL, the browser and version, the script manager and version, error page screenshot, and operation process or error prompt (if any) where the problem occurs when using this script only, etc., because the problem you encountered may not be reproduced locally in me.

How to provide script error log?

  1. Turn on the script debugging switch first:
    • v2023.04.08.1 or later, add ?whoami=F9y4ng or &whoami=F9y4ng to the URL to enable debugging mode.
    • To use the old version, you need to change the code from const IS_OPEN_DEBUG = false to true at about line 54 and save.
  2. Press F12 in the browser to open the console, refresh, operate until the problem is reproduced, right-click in the console margin and select Save As….
  3. Use Bug report and upload the saved log file to Github ISSUES
  4. During daily use, do not turn on the script debugging switch to avoid slow script executing or page lagging.

Adding custom fonts

If you need to add custom fonts into the font library, please follow the Help Instructions. The Chinese fonts in the built-in font library Download.

If you want to add a new font, please add complete and accurate font names in English and Chinese, and PostScript names into the customized font library in the preset format.

The format is as follows: {"ch":"鸿蒙黑体", "en":"HarmonyOS Sans SC", "ps":"HarmonyOS_Sans_SC"}

When a new font is installed, be sure to restart the browser first and rebuild the font-list cache in the advanced core settings for it to take effect immediately.

Font scaling (experimental)

Font scaling (experimental), OFF by default, turn on font scaling in the Advanced core settings.

Search Engine Assistant Google & Baidu Switcher.user.js

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Introduction: “Elegant search engine assistant” allows switching between engines; supports custom engines, keyword highlighting; offers redirect removal, ad blocking, keyword filtering, and auto-updates; compatible with Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG and more.

version 2025.03.20.1 - Update log: 【🔥Install this script

@ Fixed some known issues, optimized code & style.

The latest feature introduction

Icon cache update

Visit any search engine, add ?whoami=F9y4ng or &whoami=F9y4ng to the URL in the address bar to enable temporary debugging mode, then you can automatically update the icons of the search engine site; or wait for the icon cache to expire (15 days) and then automatically renew the icon cache.

Important notes

The “Automatic Update” function is enabled by default. If you do not need it,, please turn off Auto Update Detect in the “Advanced Feature Settings” of the script menu.

Autoclose Zhihu Login Prompt Autoclose Zhihu Login.user.js

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Introduction: “Autoclose Zhihu Login Prompt” is only used to close the automatically pop-up login prompt. It does nothing else and will not do anything else in the future.

version 2025.01.01.1 - Update log: 【🔥Install this script

+ Updated script copyright date.
@ Optimized and updated feature code.


Browser version requirements:

Chrome >= 105; Edge >= 105; Safari >= 15.4; Firefox >= 103; Opera >= 91
